Praying the Psalms - Songs During Depression
Depression is real. Depression destroys. To overcome depression requires deciding to fight. This blog is written from experience. I encourage you to join me in fighting back. Learn to pray the psalms.
Depressed - Just a Bad Mood? Not on Your Life!
If you or a family member are battling depression, let me be blunt, your struggle is quite real. Like heart disease or diabetes, depression is a condition that ranges in degrees of ferocity. For some their depression is mild and...
Christmas During Our Pandemic, Does It Have to be a Bad Thing?
2020 has been difficult for the entire world. Celebrations, weddings, graduations, work, birthdays; were either postponed, or downsized.But does Christmas and the holiday season have to be a bad one? Absolutely not!
It Takes So Little to Be Above Average—This Christmas

For those who pastor or are in a church leadership role – Christmas is a time to make a memorable and influential ministry impact.  Yes, Christmas is a time of “good tidings and joy to all people.” The beginning of the incarnation happened at Bethlehem. 

 At the same time, while your kids or grandkids are having a wonderful time, there are others who can benefit from a simple ministering word from their shepherd.  Let me give you four suggestions.

Depression and the Need for a Light at the End of the Tunnel

Depression and the Need for a Light at the End of the Tunnel

Depression has been called the mental and emotional common cold. Depression is common. However, many people remain unaware. They also remain unaware that depression affects people from the most successful – to the unknown.

The Christian – Unacceptably Depressed
Many see depression as something a Christian should not experience. If depression is discussed, it is spoken of in whispers. Because of religious and cultural taboos, many people do not understand that depression is a real disease. Why is depression...
For Better Understanding of Acts Blog #8

The book of Acts covers approximately thirty years. Understanding the time involved gives a sense of the time in Paul becoming a convert, a disciple, and then a student of the scripture. It helps see the development of Peter as the apostle preaching the first gospel message to the Jews and nine years later to a Gentile.


Various Ways of Looking at Acts (Continued) Blog #7

Acts contains an experiential theology of salvation whether dealing with those who conspired to commit murder (Acts 2); a prayerful and honest-hearted Roman military official (Acts 10), or an Ethiopian who had traveled to Jerusalem to worship (Acts 8). How to be saved is found in the book of Acts!


Various Ways of Looking at Acts (Continued (Blog #6)
Step by step the gospel message moves from Jerusalem to Rome. The missionary effort was not easy. Persecution, personal disagreements among leaders, and people backsliding did not stop the missionary effort.
Encountering Pandemic Inspired Depression Turn Off the Toxic
This is the second in a series of articles regarding enduring depression during the pandemic. There are some toxic items we cannot avoid. Some of these may be in our home simply as a result of relationships that are not...